Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

“I am so embarrassed that my kids have some missing books. What should I do?”

Students at HRS enjoy the cycle of visiting the library, reading, visiting the library, reading etc.  We have to help students remember part of the cycle is returning books. 

As a teacher librarian, I try to help the students understand that they checked out the book so that they must return it. When a book is overdue, it denies everyone else access to that resource. Toward the end of each trimester, a date is selected and all books due on or before that date must be returned or renewed. If the book cannot be found, the student’s family is charged the cost of replacing the book. 

This year fines for overdue, lost, and damaged books will be issued using FACTS. This will allow for a better accounting of fines and paid and still due.

Do you ever need volunteers in the Library?

Yes! There are always books to shelve and shelves to be put back in order.  Other jobs might include bulletin boards, book repair, inventory, etc. If you are interested, please contact me at in order to set up a time to help out in the library. If your schedule allows for a consistent block of time, please let me know. I will try to match your interests with a particular library chore. NOTE: During these challenging times, I am not having in-person volunteers. I will email interested parents/family members when the volunteer policy changes to allow non-staff into the building. 

What happens during library classes?

From the Preschool through Grade 3, weekly classes allow us to share a variety of wonderful literature, practice skills, and provide time to browse and check out books. Books are due in two weeks. There are no fines for overdue books until the end of each trimester when all overdue books must be returned or they are presumed lost.

Beginning with Grade 4, information literacy skills, tech skills, and promoting reading continues with the time allowed for each element may vary from week to week. Collaborating with the homeroom teachers is essential. We work to tie information skills to other academic needs. Students may need a refresher or be introduced to citing sources, using a particular presentation software, or choosing a topic for a research project.

When is the next Book Fair?

We hold two Scholastic Book Fairs each school year. The book fairs provide a major source of funding for the library budget. In November during Student, Parent and Teacher Conferences and in late May to support Summer reading. Volunteers are always needed. The book fairs are recognized as an official fundraising activity.